The Life Of Nadia Warren

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Video Notes:
Date Added: 03/29/2007
Runtime: 00:46
Views: 41
Comments: 4

On 04/06/2007 Peggy Miller writes...

Oh Jonathan, I'm soooooo very relieved to know that was you playing with computer and that your little Nadia was not actually riding that motorcycle!whew! Yes, I was dumb enough to fall for it! I could tell from the rest of the website that you are too good a parent to allow her to ride a motorbike or to ride one yourself now that you are a Dad.
Enjoy your healthy beautiful baby girl. They grow up waaay toooo fast!Look where her Aunt Liz has been!
Hugs, Peggy

On 04/06/2007 Jonathan writes...

Actually, it may be a bit too late. She not only wants to be a biker, but a stunt biker, and has asked to jump the Grand Canyon next!

On 04/06/2007 Crazy Grandma Janet writes...

Jonathan, now don't you turn my grandbaby into a biker mama. If she starts wearing black leather, and a dew rag, I'm gonna have to protest. And how come you aren't wearing helmets?

On 04/05/2007 Peggy Miller writes...

oh Jonathan, Nadia is waaay toooo precious to even think about riding a motorcycle. AND if a spill were to happen and she were hurt could you ever live with the results???????? Accidents are called that because they did not happen intentionally. I don't want either of you hurt. The very best thing you could do for your family is to sell that bike!Some time I'll tell you what I told my son re motorcycles when he was growing up & nearing driving age. Y'all stay safe n healthy!
Love n hugs,Peggy